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Computers have offered us many conveniences. But, there are hidden dangers of their use that adversely affect our health in many ways.

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Radisys (NASDAQ:RSYS) and Mercury Systems (NASDAQ:MRCY) are both computer and technology companies, but which is the better business? We will compare the two businesses based on the strength of their analyst recommendations, risk, earnings, dividends, institutional ownership, profitability and valuation. R Systems International Ltd. Develops computer software for software companies. The Company develops software for the banking and finance and high technology and Internet services industries, for.

  1. Radisys offers software, products, integrated systems, and professional services for communication service providers and telecom solution vendors.
  2. We can attache a local name to a remote Python object. For example this line connects the rsys name on our client to the sys object on the server. (It automatically imports the sys module on the server.) rsys = conn.modules.sys Once we have made that call we can use the rsys on the client just as we would use sys on the server.
  3. SELECT rSYS.NetbiosName0, case when (MAX(OU.SystemOUName0) Null or MAX(ou.systemouname0) ') then MAX(OU.SystemOUName0) else MAX(CN.SystemContainerName0) end as 'The ou', rSYS.UserName0, rSYS.UserDomain0, rSYS.ResourceDomainORWorkgr0, OPSYS.Caption0, OPSYS.Version0, MEM.TotalPhysicalMemory0, REPLACE( ( SELECT MACAddresses0.

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Computer and laptop radiation effects on your health are a topic, which is under debate, and two schools of thought prevail.

Some feel that the computer screen radiation levels emitted are too low to present any threat or health risks to the human body and the odds are that no one will suffer any electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from the computer screen.

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There are others who feel that there is a definite danger and a health risk from computer radiation exposure and that the computer companies are trying to bury the issue.

There are others who feel that there is a definite danger and a health risk from computer radiation exposure and that the computer companies are trying to bury the issue.

Research does have its good points. But, many a research has been proved to be wrong and subsequently its findings have been reversed.

If that is so, then using computer radiation protection products such as a radiation shield or filter and protection glasses will help to eliminate the risk of computer radiation dangers.

Modern computer screens emit both low-frequency and radio-frequency EMR. Both these have the potential to cause cancer. Even the World Health Organization endorses this fact.

Should you work on the computer during pregnancy?

Is it okay to use a computer screen during pregnancy? Again two thoughts prevail — Yes and No. It will be prudent to err on the side of caution and give safety a priority.

You could use the protective gear that is mentioned below. In pregnancy, eliminating the computer radiation harmful effects become essential because the computer screen health risks endanger not only you but also your baby.

Even keeping a laptop or a tablet on your tummy is not advised because the heat emitted from the laptop screen can harm your baby.

Computer radiation effects on health

When we sit for hours in front of the computer for days on end, we are exposed to the danger of radiation emitting from the computer monitor screen.

This computer radiation exposure does have harmful effects on our health and body. It produces certain symptoms and ill effects, which are seen on our eyes, the skin, the brain

Effects on skin

HEV light (High energy visible light) also referred to as blue light, is a high-frequency high energy light emitted by your smartphone, tablet, and computer screen.

The modern-day devices do not emit UV rays that were emitted by CRT screens previously used for monitor screens and televisions. The levels, though low, did cause skin damage over time.

According to, HEV light penetrates up to the hypodermis of the skin potentially causing more damage than ultraviolet rays.

HEV light exposure can lead to inflammation, delayed healing, inhibition of melanogenesis, skin dryness, dry wrinkled, and sagging skin.

Effects on eyes

“Computer vision syndrome” is the name given to the group of eye and vision effects caused by working on the computer. The most common effects are eyestrain, blurred vision, irritation, and dry eyes.

This study conducted by the National Institute of Healthrats suggests that computer monitor radiation leads to oxidative stress in the corneal and lens tissues.

Effects on the brain

Prolonged exposure to radiofrequency waves emitted from computer screens, laptops, and such devices is harmful to your body cells.

Computer effects on the brain include forgetfulness, increased risk of brain fog, brain cancer, and brain tumor.

Effects on pregnancy

Laptop computer Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs), also known as Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), cause harm to the body.

Pregnant women and the unborn fetuses are particularly at a high risk of adverse effects from the EMFs.

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Studies indicate that in pregnancy, the high level of nonionizing radiation has been associated with birth defects, genetic damage, and spontaneous abortion. This has not been scientifically proven, though.

Other side effects

Other side effects of prolonged sessions of laptop and computer use include a feeling of headaches, sleep deprivation, sickness, nausea, dizziness, and sweating.

How much radiation does the computer monitor screen emit?

First, understand that radiation is an umbrella term for traveling electromagnetic waves. It consists of infrared, visible light, and everything else on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Ionizing radiation is dangerous because it can damage human tissues.

According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ionizing radiation x-rays are produced in the monitor’s cathode ray tube (CRT) when electrons flow towards the monitor screen and they are now designed in such a fashion that the levels of X-ray emission do not exceed the prescribed safety.

The intensity of the ultraviolet radiation (UV) emitted from the computer monitors is lower than that from the fluorescent lights and much lower than that emitted from the sun.

The U.S. FDA issued a code that forbids computer manufacturers from making television/computer screens that emit more than 5 milliroentgens per hour at a distance of 5 centimeters.

Computer radiation protection products and tips

  • Use your laptop in battery mode. This reduces EMF emissions by 60-75%.
  • Do not place the laptop on your lap. Place it on the desk.
  • Connect to the internet using an ethernet cable. Avoid connecting through the Wifi.
  • Take frequent breaks. Ideally, take a 20-second break every 20 minutes and look at an object 20 feet away.
  • Drink plenty of water and have a healthy diet. Be sure you consume enough of vitamin A and C
  • Exercise regularly
  • Use a monitor with a flat-screen like a laptop or a LED, rather than the old monitors, which have the cathode ray tube (CRT) that emits radiation. You’ll be relatively safe from a LED screen at normal distances.
  • Use a radiation filter and radiation protection glasses. These will eliminate more than 90% of the radiation.
  • Check your eyes for any refraction error and get it corrected with glasses if necessary
  • Keep an ionizer near the computer to neutralize the radiation.
  • By law, the manufacturers have to follow certain parameters to ensure that the radiation levels are low. Most of the standard companies do observe these standards and so it will be prudent to be smart when buying.


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RadiSys Corporation stock price down 0% on Thursday (Updated on December 27, 2018)

Buy or Hold candidate since 2018-11-28

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No changes to the price of RadiSys Corporation stock on the last trading day (Thursday, 27th Dec 2018). During the day the stock fluctuated 0.00% from a day low at $1.72 to a day high of $1.72. The price has been going up and down for this period, and there has been a 0% change for the last 2 weeks.

The stock lies in the upper part of a wide and weak rising trend in the short term, and this may normally pose a very good selling opportunity for the short-term trader as reaction back towards the lower part of the trend can be expected. A break-up at the top trend line at $1.74 will firstly indicate a stronger rate of rising. Given the current short-term trend, the stock is expected to rise 8.01% during the next 3 months and, with a 90% probability hold a price between $1.70 and $1.88 at the end of this 3-month period.

Signals & Forecast

The RadiSys Corporation stock holds buy signals from both short and long-term moving averages giving a positive forecast for the stock. Also, there is a general buy signal from the relation between the two signals where the short-term average is above the long-term average. On corrections down, there will be some support from the lines at $1.72 and $1.63. A breakdown below any of these levels will issue sell signals. Some negative signals were issued as well, and these may have some influence on the near short-term development. A sell signal was issued from a pivot top point on Wednesday, December 26, 2018, and so far it has fallen 0.00%. Further fall is indicated until a new bottom pivot has been found. Furthermore, there is currently a sell signal from the 3 months Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD). Volume fell on the last day without any changes to the price. This does not cause any direct divergence but may be an early warning and a possible 'turning point'. The very low volume increases the risk and reduces the other technical signals issued.

Support, Risk & Stop-loss

RadiSys Corporation Drivers pitney bowes port devices. finds support from accumulated volume at $1.71 and this level may hold a buying opportunity as an upwards reaction can be expected when the support is being tested.

In general the stock tends to have very controlled movements and therefore the general risk is considered very low. However, be aware of low or falling volume and make sure to keep an eye on the stock During the last day, the stock moved $0.00 between high and low, or 0.00%. For the last week the stock has had a daily average volatility of 0.00%

Our recommended stop-loss:$1.65(-4.00%) (This stock has low daily movements and this gives low risk. There is a sell signal from a pivot top found 1 day(s) ago.)

Is RadiSys Corporation stock A Buy?

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RadiSys Corporation holds several positive signals, but we still don't find these to be enough for a buy candidate. At the current level, it should be considered as a hold candidate (hold or accumulate) in this position whilst awaiting further development.

Current score:0.860

Predicted Opening Price for RadiSys Corporation of Friday, December 28, 2018

The predicted opening price is based on yesterday's movements between high, low, and the closing price.

Fair opening price December 28, 2018Current price
0.0000 %
Daily Average Volatility

Rsys Laptops & Desktops Driver Download For Windows 10 64-bit

Very High
Very Low

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No Resistance Found
Price: $1.72
Support: $1.71